I’m free two mornings a week!

My son started school a month ago. He only went for 2 weeks because he was sick the rest of the time. Last week was his second week, he was still crying during the drop-off, which was a little hard for me. But today was a lot more different. My husband took him to school while I stayed home. When he came back he said that our son didn’t cry at all! I was so shocked and happy. On his way home, my husband (he is the best!) even stopped to get me my favorite drink from Starbucks. That’s the kind of surprise I love! That was a really nice start to my morning. And guess what? The rest of it was just as good! My husband stayed with me in the living room, working on his laptop while I was doing all the chores I needed to do. 

I know that it may seem silly that my perfect morning was just tidying and cleaning while listening to loud music. But the secret was: I wasn’t interrupted at all, not even once, in 4 hours! 4 hours, people!! With my son staying with me at home for 2 years, I couldn’t clean or do laundry easily. I had to hold him 80% of the time! But now I have 8 hours for me during the week. So I can go to the bathroom alone, shave in more than 2 minutes, cook, clean… My house seems nice today. And my mind is doing much better than it ever did in the past 2 years. I now realized that 8 hours is a lot! It’s plenty of time to take care of the house and even a little bit for me! So now I feel like I won’t be able to complain anymore, especially on school days. It makes me happy, but not only me! My son and my husband are too! I feel so relaxed today. By putting our son to school, I also entered the lunchboxes’ world, which is not my favorite one, but that is a topic for another post!

Happy day Mom, Dad or whoever you are!


Kids are so unpredictable!

Today, my son had a playdate outside with another 2-year-old. He was so excited to go see his friend, L, that he couldn’t even nap. He was so happy to go play with him! He did not sleep in the car during the 30-minute ride, and was really tired when we got there. Still, he went to ride his balanced bike, but as soon as he saw his friend L he stopped and slowly started to back up! I expected him to play right away with his friend, but instead he just kept running away and saying “bye bye”. That was frustrating!

It took us maybe 20/30 minutes to make him stay with us and “play”. He was still trying to escape when his poor friend was attacked by dozens of fire ants. We had to take L’s clothes off to get rid of all the ants. L was so sweet and did not even cry. Right after, we decided to walk because we didn’t want to stay in the grass covered by ants. My son started to run pretty fast (the usual) and fell down before we could stop him. Luckily, he had nothing serious, only dirt in his mouth and a few scrapes on his face. He cried a little bit, we took time to clean his face, hugged and then decided to go back to the cars. My son was still acting crazy, riding his balanced bike over the bumps, acting like nothing happened. It took us 10 minutes to walk back to the cars and that was it! The end of the playdate! 

The kids did not even play together, almost did not acknowledge each other. They just got bites and scrapes... That was fast and not what we expected at all. Kids are so unpredictable. My son spent his whole time there running away. He was so exhausted tonight! It’s now 10pm, and he is sleeping in his bed, not awakening to the sound of his remote control car suddenly making sounds. My husband and I can definitely hear it through the door though!

Happy day Mom, Dad or whoever you are!


My son is currently in his bed for his naptime…

He is jumping all over his bed, looking at the baby monitor and making some animal sounds. I guess he is not tired enough. Or too excited. I don’t know how long he is gonna stay there, without crying. It usually can last up to an hour... he is so patient I know. Lately, he has been reluctant to nap. I kept putting him to bed because I know he needs it, even for 30 minutes. My husband says that I shouldn’t pick him up if he doesn’t want to nap, because at least he is having some quiet time. I know he’s right but the thing is, I feel bad doing something else. I would need to work right now, but I can’t without feeling guilty for leaving him there. My brain does not want to focus, my heart does not want to take this time for me. How do moms deal with sharing time between multiple children? I could not do this! At all! Ah, I’m looking at the baby monitor, and guess what? He finally lay down. He’ll fall asleep soon. So I gotta go now! 

Happy day Mom, Dad or whoever you are!


Could toddlers be more stubborn than they already are?

Mine is acting crazy when he wants something he can’t have. All the screaming, gesturing, sometimes biting and trying to hit me. I’m not proud of the last one, but hey, I'm trying my best to teach him not to do it, that he could hurt people. Physically.

Lately, I have found the best method to calm him. I just ask him how he feels at the moment. It’s magic. He just looks at me and stops. That feels so good! I’m not sure I’ll be able to use this method until he is out of this craziness (meaning terrible two). Maybe if I use it too much, it’ll be useless in a few weeks? Ah. I just don’t care now. I found it! And I’m glad, because my son is so stubborn he could sleep standing in his bed, resting his head against the rail if he doesn’t want to sleep (happened a few weeks ago)! 

Happy day Mom, Dad or whoever you are!


Hello to all the moms (and dads) who struggle out there!

I mean, I’m sure we all struggle, it’s just that some of us are really good at hiding it. Maybe I’m good at it too… I’m pretty sure I’m not actually. What I really master however, is to avoid speaking about it when I feel like a total wreck inside. Oh! I get it now, I’m just hiding it too. I mean, most of the time. My husband knows everything at the end of the day. Because he is my husband, right! He knows if I had a good day or if my toddler made my life look like hell the whole day. But, hey, he works full time, and although he does his best to be here and listen to me venting, I feel I need to share more about my day. I’m writing for myself, just to feel better at the end of the day. But maybe it’ll help you too.

So If you want to know more about me, I’m just a mom, in her early thirties, living in the US. I’m not American, I’m from Europe. English is not my native language (maybe you’ve already guessed). I have a 2 years old, who I couldn’t love more. He is funny, always happy, nice and curious! When he asks for hugs, he makes me the happiest mom in the world (even if I don’t want to show it sometimes). So I’m a stay-at-home mom, trying to adjust to my new life with responsibilities (mostly my kid) during a pandemic, and sometimes it’s so f***ing hard! I’m not famous at all, but I did not want my friends and family to read this blog knowing it’s me. So I just decided to remain anonymous. It just takes a weight off my mind! I’ll share here all the mess but also all the beauty of being a mom, raising a toddler and seeing my kid being amazed at all the new things he discovers!

Happy reading, Mom, Dad or whoever you are!
