Hello to all the moms (and dads) who struggle out there!

I mean, I’m sure we all struggle, it’s just that some of us are really good at hiding it. Maybe I’m good at it too… I’m pretty sure I’m not actually. What I really master however, is to avoid speaking about it when I feel like a total wreck inside. Oh! I get it now, I’m just hiding it too. I mean, most of the time. My husband knows everything at the end of the day. Because he is my husband, right! He knows if I had a good day or if my toddler made my life look like hell the whole day. But, hey, he works full time, and although he does his best to be here and listen to me venting, I feel I need to share more about my day. I’m writing for myself, just to feel better at the end of the day. But maybe it’ll help you too.

So If you want to know more about me, I’m just a mom, in her early thirties, living in the US. I’m not American, I’m from Europe. English is not my native language (maybe you’ve already guessed). I have a 2 years old, who I couldn’t love more. He is funny, always happy, nice and curious! When he asks for hugs, he makes me the happiest mom in the world (even if I don’t want to show it sometimes). So I’m a stay-at-home mom, trying to adjust to my new life with responsibilities (mostly my kid) during a pandemic, and sometimes it’s so f***ing hard! I’m not famous at all, but I did not want my friends and family to read this blog knowing it’s me. So I just decided to remain anonymous. It just takes a weight off my mind! I’ll share here all the mess but also all the beauty of being a mom, raising a toddler and seeing my kid being amazed at all the new things he discovers!

Happy reading, Mom, Dad or whoever you are!


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